

    Aliases: buttons, mesc, san, san-pedro

    Mescaline structure


    A psychedelic of the phenethylamine family. Found in psychedelic cacti that have long been used by peoples native to the Southwestern US and Mexico, including Peyote and San Pedro cacti, among others. Can be found as cactus pulp, as an extract from cacti, or as a synthetic substance created in a lab.

    ⚠️ Doses are for Mescaline HCl

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset: 60-180 minutes
    • Duration: 6-12 hours
    • After-effects: 3-5 hours


    Helpful Links

    Known Combinations

    These combinations are considered extremely harmful and should always be avoided.

    lithium: There is a large number of reports indicating a high seizure and psychosis risk from this combination.

    There is considerable risk of physical harm when taking these combinations, they should be avoided where possible.

    tramadol: This combination can cause seizures due to the lowering of the threshold by tramadol and the potential of mescaline to cause seziures.

    These combinations are not usually physically harmful, but may produce undesirable effects.

    5-meo-xxt: The 5-MeO class of tryptamines can be unpredictable in their interactions
    amphetamines: The focus and anxiety caused by stimulants is magnified by psychedelics and results in an increased risk of thought loops
    cannabis: Cannabis has an unexpectedly strong and somewhat unpredictable synergy with psychedelics.
    cocaine: The focus and anxiety caused by stimulants is magnified by psychedelics and results in an increased risk of thought loops

    Effects are additive. The combination is unlikely to cause any adverse or undesirable reaction.

    caffeine: High doses of caffeine are uncomfortable and this will be magnified by psychedelics
