

    GHB structure


    A euphoric depressant which is prescribed as a sleep aid and sometimes to help with Alcohol detox. Also used as a recreational depressant, as a non-toxic alternative to Alcohol. Despite not having Alcohol's toxicity it is risky due to among other things inconsistent concentration in commonly sold solution form, and can be very dangerous if taken with other depressants.

    ⚠️ AVOID: Alcohol, benzos and other depressants
    ⚠️ Tends to induce heavy sedation from about the 3g mark.

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset: 20-60 minutes
    • Duration: 1.5-2.5 hours
    • After-effects: 2-4 hours


    Helpful Links

    Known Combinations

    These combinations are considered extremely harmful and should always be avoided.

    diphenhydramine: Both substances are CNS depressants, potentiating each other strongly and unpredictably, raising the chances of memory loss, severe ataxia, and unconsciousness. The interaction will cause greater inhibition and risk of injury. If the user falls unconscious it is strongly recommended to put them into the recovery position and monitor breathing.
