

    Aliases: coffee

    Caffeine structure


    Caffeine is a a CNS stimulant, and also the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. It is legal and unregulated in most parts of the world, and is found in many commonly sold products. It has a good safety profile, though regular heavy use can cause physical dependence and contribute to certain medical conditions.

    ⚠️ The lethal dose for caffeine starts at approximately 3g. The average cup of coffee contains roughly 75-150mg of caffeine.

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset: 5-10 minutes
    • Duration: 1.5-5 hours
    • After-effects: 3-4 hours


    Helpful Links

    Known Combinations

    These combinations are not usually physically harmful, but may produce undesirable effects.

    amphetamines: This combination of stimulants is not generally necessary and may increase strain on the heart, as well as potentially causing anxiety and greater physical discomfort.
    amt: High doses of caffeine may cause anxiety which is less manageable when tripping, and since both are stimulating the combination may cause some physical discomfort.
    cocaine: Both stimulants, risk of tachycardia, hypertension, and in extreme cases heart failure.
    dextromethorphan: High doses of caffeine can potentially exacerbate anxiety, especially during a dissociative experience, due to its stimulating effects. This combination might also lead to physical discomfort. However, individual responses to caffeine can vary significantly, often influenced by factors like habitual versus occasional usage.
    dox: High doses of caffeine may cause anxiety which is less manageable when tripping, and since both are stimulating it may cause some physical discomfort.
    mdma: Caffiene is not really necessary with MDMA and increases any neurotoxic effects from MDMA
    nbomes: Caffiene can bring out the natural stimulation from psychedelic drugs to make it uncomfortable. High doses can cause anxiety which is hard to handle while tripping
    pcp: Details of this combination are not well understood but PCP generally interacts in an unpredictable manner.

    Effects are additive. The combination is unlikely to cause any adverse or undesirable reaction.

    2c-t-x: High doses of caffeine may cause anxiety which is less manageable when tripping, and since both are stimulating the combination may cause some physical discomfort.
    2c-x: High doses of caffeine may cause anxiety which is less manageable when tripping, and since both are stimulating the combination may cause some physical discomfort.
    5-meo-xxt: High doses of caffeine may cause anxiety which is less manageable when tripping, and since both are stimulating the combination may cause some physical discomfort.
    ketamine: No unexpected interactions.
    mescaline: High doses of caffeine are uncomfortable and this will be magnified by psychedelics
    mxe: No likely interactions